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Present continuous tense Stucture with examples - English dictionary

  Present continuous tense :- The present continuous action word tense demonstrates that an activity or condition is going on now, often, an...

 Present continuous tense :-

The present continuous action word tense demonstrates that an activity or condition is going on now, often, and may proceed into what's to come.

 This Tense is used to make sense of the continuation of a business or business in the present tense.  Like,

 I am eating.  

She is writing a letter.  

 They are playing in the field.  

Verb form :- am/is/are + v - ing

Ex :- Auntie Christine is heating up the vehicle while Scott searches for his new calfskin coat. They are eating at Scott's number one café today, Polly's Pancake Diner.

The present continuous (present reformist) tense is an approach to pass on any activity or condition that is going on this moment, much of the time, and might be continuous. It adds energy and activity to composing, and its impact assists per users with getting when the activity is occurring. Envision Aunt Christine has astonished her nephew Scott for his birthday and will take him out to his number one café, Polly's Pancake Diner. Assuming I needed to recount the story after it occurred, I'd utilize the previous tense: 

They held up at the red light, and Scott stressed they may miss their booking. (Past tense)

Yet, what I truly need to pass on is the manner by which the situation developed, showing the activity as it is occurring: 

They are sitting at Scott's favorite booth, the one with the shimmering red plastic seats.(For how long? We don't have the foggiest idea, however we do realize they are staying there now.)

Utilize the present consistent tense with the proper "to be" action word and a powerful action word. A unique action word shows activity and additionally measure. For instance, 

Scott's younger sibling is showing up at the burger joint two hours late on the grounds that her roller-derby group, Chicks Ahoy, won the public titles early today. As she is strolling into Polly's Pancake Diner, she is hollering farewell to her. 

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