Simple present tense :- The simple present is an action word tense with two fundamental employments. We utilize the simple current state w...
Simple present tense :-
The simple present is an action word tense with two fundamental employments. We utilize the simple current state when an activity is going on this moment, or when it happens routinely (or continuously, which is the reason it's occasionally called present endless). Contingent upon the individual, the straightforward current state is shaped by utilizing the root structure or by adding ‑s or ‑es as far as possible.
This Tense is used to express the Universal Truth, habit, nature, condition or authority. like,
The sun rises in the east.
I help my friends.
I get up before sunrise.
My brother is I'll.
I have a car.
Verb form :- sub form ( goes, eats, laughs aand etc.)
Example :-
I feel extraordinary! Pauline loves pie. I'm sorry to learn that you're wiped out.
Instructions to Form the Simple Present :-
In the basic present, most standard action words utilize the root structure, besides as an outsider looking in particular (which finishes in - s).
First-individual particular: I compose
Second-individual particular: You compose
Third-individual particular: He/she/it composes (note the ‑s)
First-individual plural: We compose
Second-individual plural: You compose
Third-individual plural: They compose
For a couple of action words, the third-individual particular finishes with - es rather than - s. Commonly, these are action words whose root structure closes in o, ch, sh, th, ss, gh, or z.
First-individual solitary: I go
Second-individual particular: You go
Third-individual particular: He/she/it goes (note the ‑es)
First-individual plural: We go
Second-individual plural: You go
Third-individual plural: They go
For most customary action words, you put the refutation of the action word before the action word, for example "She will not go" or "I don't smell anything."
The action word to be is unpredictable:
First-individual particular: I am
Second-individual particular: You are
Third-individual particular: He/she/it is
First-individual plural: We are
Second-individual plural: You are
Third-individual plural: They are
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