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Types of Speech defination with examples - English dictionary

Basically there are 8 types of speech :- There are eight grammatical features in the English language: thing, pronoun, action word, descript...

Basically there are 8 types of speech :-

There are eight grammatical features in the English language: thing, pronoun, action word, descriptor, modifier, relational word, combination, and addition. The grammatical form shows how the word capacities in significance just as syntactically inside the sentence. An individual word can work as more than one grammatical feature when utilized in various conditions. Understanding grammatical forms is fundamental for deciding the right meaning of a word when utilizing the word reference.

1) Noun :- A noun is a word that refers to things, person, an animal, a place, a quality, an idea, an action and etc... 

Ex:-A "book" kept on the table. 

2) Pronoun :- A pronoun is a word used instead of noun or noun phrase. Possesive pronouns refers to things and people that belongs to someone. 

Ex:- Mine, yours, his, hers, its, our, their and etc. 

3) Adjective :- Adjectives are words that describe the qualities or states of being of nouns. 

Ex:- enormous, dog like, silly, funny, bad, good and etc. 

4) Verb :- A word or group of words that os used to indicate that something happens or exists. 

Ex:- bring, happen, do, be and etc. 

5) Adverb :- A word that adds more information about place, time, manner or cause. 

Ex:- slowly, extremely sorry and etc. 

6) Preposition :- A preposition is a word or a group of words used before a noun, pronoun, or to show direction of a certain object. 

Ex:- in, at, on, of , behind, below, under and etc. 

7) Conjunction :- A word that is used for joining other words, phrase or sentence. 

Ex:- And, but, between, or and etc. 

8) Interjection :- An interjection is a word or a phrase that is grammatically independent from the words around it and mainly expresses feeling. 

Ex:-Ouch!, hurray! , yahoo! , whooo !,ahh! ,and etc. 

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